Pano Snow Gods 17

Pano Snow Gods 17
For every season I spent at Panorama Mountain Village, I would draw up a shirt design which would be gifted to all the ladies and gents who spent countless hours scouring the mountain and having a hand at producing all the lovely white stuff for the masses to enjoi.
This season I got adventurous and after tossing up a few ideas in my salad bowl brain, I went with a "Street Fighter" influenced theme. My recent adventure to Japan prior to this creation I reckon sealed it.
Dabbling with pan-tone for the first time in my digital career was a little challenging at first, sat through many tutorials. But as this image would be screen-printed on a shirt, the effect gives a sweet gradient, also tying into my obsession with dots.
The Snow God, as with most of my illustrations was conceived on paper then scanned in and digitized. Yet I left the lettering to full digital to enhance my limited skills.
The kanji symbol for snow (yuki) was used in place of the "O" in gods.
Was heaps stoked how this turned out and along with a few others, I think this was my favourite Snow God design to date.